AGM Recap

The Edmonton and District Historical Society held their Annual General Meeting on Thursday, June 18. Due to the ongoing situation around Covid-19, this year’s AGM was held virtually. Our appreciation goes out to all of our members, especially the 24 who were able to join us over Zoom to attend. Thankfully there were few technical issues!

Last year’s minutes were accepted, with a slight amendment. The President gave his report, and hit some of the highlights of the Society’s work over 2019. Membership was up (210 as of December 2019). Our social media presence continued to rise (+1,500 Facebook likes, +1,900 Twitter followers). There were over 600 attendees at 10 events held throughout the year. The Festival had 48 partners and another 131 events. And our educational programs had over 200 sessions reaching more than 5,000 students. It was certainly a year to be proud of – both for the Board, but also the members, donors, and volunteers who helped make it all happen.

The Treasurer then delivered her report and the audited financial statements, and SVS Group was appointed as auditors for next year. Finally, the committee reports were presented for information. To see all the reports, check out the 2019 Annual Report at the bottom of the page.

Two new Directors were elected: Kelsey Kendrick and Elizabeth Alke. We are excited to welcome them onto the Board and look forward to working with them. Also, our Sectretary John Dolphin has stepped back into the role of Director, and Lee Smith has taken the reigns, and will now form part of the Executive with re-elected Treasurer Cadence Bergman, as well as President Tim O’Grady and acting Vice-President Christine Prokop.

Below is the 2019 annual report, as well as the draft minutes from the meeting, which will have to be accepted by our membership at next year’s AGM.

2019 Annual Report

June 18, 2020 AGM Draft Minutes